Stem Cells - A Primer For Many People All - Part 4

MS is abbreviation for a disease known as Multiple Sclerosis. It is a disorder which was first distinguished long way back in 1868. But doctors and scientists are still unable to find the exact cause of this disease. It is usually thought that there can be a number of reasons for this disease which may start form so minor signs that cannot be even recognized and can result in the death of the person or complete durableness of the patient.

Louise Zylstra from copyright was one of the patients treated with her own VSEL Stem Cells cells. Zylstra, a golf pro, was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2007. By early 2008, Zylstra could no longer play a round of golf and had difficulty walking short distances.

These two questions from any patient's standpoint are the most important. We do know that not all body areas respond as well to fat grafting as others. On the face, the lips and laugh lines respond the poorest and often may eventually lose all injected volume. The rest of the face will usually have fat that will take at least 50%. The buttocks is the only body site currently where large fat volumes are placed. Ultimate survival can be anywhere from 30% to 80%. Complete survival of all injected volume does not usually occur anywhere.

What about political matters and dentistry? Did you know that California is considering a $.01 soda tax, where the money will be used for healthy eating programs in school - does the industry feel this is justified, too intrusive of government, unfair to business, will it even work? What unintended consequences might occur?

Human stem cells cells are a special type of normal human cells that have the ability to form new adult tissue. This process is called differentiation. When applied to aging skin, human stem cells allow for the formation of younger skin. When this takes place, new cells replace the old cells. Age spots and wrinkles are prevented and reduced.

Well, there is now hope for all sufferers of these disorders and diseases. It's called: Adult Stem Cell Therapy. Adult stem cells are your OWN. Embryonic stem cells are somebody elses so cause more risk of being rejected.

Then, when I was a resident in medicine, we discovered a way to perform bone marrow transplants, exchanging cancerous white cells for fresh, normal white cell precursors. You guessed it. We were now seeing cures and not just remissions. Lives were now being saved in this war.

It depends on the areas and the size to be treated and where the fat is harvested. In face grafting you feel fine right away, just look very swollen for days to weeks. For buttock grafting, after about 2 days most patients feel good enough to walk around and slowly get back to their normal activities. There is not much swelling. I do not restrict patients from sitting afterwards.

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